Joysticks and Accessories

Universal Joystick Handle - M14X1.5

Universal joystick handle with optional 1 to 3 button 3rd function. Fits all STOLL, ALÖ, Quicke, John Deere, and others, and our high-quality joystick 1433390E.
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Agri-Can, official North American distributor

We offer the full range of very high quality Indemar S.p.A. products made in Italy.

Indemar is the original manufacturer of the Stoll, Quicke ALÖ, John Deere and many other brands. European leader in control systems, Agri-Can is proud to partner with Indemar to offer you products of the highest European quality at the best market price.

Agri-Can, quality parts at your fingertips!

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